Available Artworks

Discover Fonseca Martin’s unique and captivating artworks available today.

Each piece is a masterpiece of modern art, showcasing exceptional talent and creativity.

Don’t miss the opportunity to own one of Fonseca Martin’s stunning works and bring a touch of beauty and elegance to your home or office.

About The Different Styles

Oil on Canvas

A captivating blend of colors and textures, revealing the artist’s unique vision. Immerse yourself in the beauty of these stunning paintings.

Acrylic on Canvas

A vibrant fusion of realism and abstraction. Explore the captivating collection showcasing bold colors and expressive compositions.


A delicate dance of translucent beauty. Immerse yourself in a world of serene landscapes, enchanting florals, and evocative portraits that capture fleeting moments with luminous washes and spontaneous brushwork.

Experience the ethereal realm of watercolor artistry.


Elevate your space with captivating custom Portuguese tiles by Fonseca Martins, fusing tradition and innovation to create timeless masterpieces.


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